Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Holy crap Veronica! Filling the jalopy cost more than Jughead's crown! 39.685 Gallons @ $3.289 = $130.52 which gets me 596 miles.

At 15 MPG it now costs me $0.22 to drive a mile. That's $3.74 to get to work and $3.74 to get home, $37.40 a week. If I bought a replacement car for say, $15K I'd get about $8K for my Suburban leaving $7K to make up in gas. If I got 30 MPG, I'd save $18.70 a week. It would take 375 weeks or 7.2 years to make up the difference. Does that mean that buying a $15K, 30MPG car would pay for itself by mid 2013? Spose I'll have to figure the interest on the money too.


Anonymous said...

gas is the bain of my existance
It is a little cheaper in Davis, but i get a lot of it. Stupid California lifestyle! That I chose! what's up with that?!?
Anyway, you do have another largish car now, mabe it's time to treat yourself to something red and zippy!

But not a VW. They suck.

Unknown said...

Cash flow my dear. Cash flow.

Anonymous said...

might I suggest the leg powered bicycle? or maybe a scooter. at least for work.

Unknown said...

18 miles on a scooter in Bay Area freeway conditions does not sound so safe. My life insurance premium would go up. (I like how they call that a "premium" and not a "monthly fee")

Anonymous said...

you know, my 28 foot RV fully loaded with kids and everything gets about 12 MPH.


Anonymous said...

mpG, I meant

Anonymous said...

You could probably just buy an older Honda or other compact for 5 - 8,000 for around town and keep your Suburban for when you go camping or whatever people use SUVs for. But then that's another car to park on your frequently parked on street.

Anonymous said...

Would you like a Harley- very purple and loud- It might be fun and definitely cheaper on gas. My husband would sell it to you for a good price. (Low Kelly Blue Book) You would have to keep the kids off, but Sharon might like it.I'm glad I spent my inheritance on a new kitchen instead of a new Suburban. Dad would probably be feeling your pain.