Wednesday, March 16, 2005

My friends don't get it

I had a conversation today with a friend that is one of a large group that don't really use computers and the internet. I don't get it... why would you not try to take full advantage of the internet? If you're reading this, you obviously are not in the above named group. Comments?


Anonymous said...

Is this person like, Amish or something? I mean, how else are you supposed to get your porn?

Anonymous said...

Ah... not Amish? Mennonites, perhaps? Certainly not Bay Area residents? Oh, the humanity... Who DO you hang out with, anyway, Bob? Oh, wait, I would be among that number...

Unknown said...

An unnamed person at work. She also told me today that she and her husband share a seven year old Mac, with a 28.8 modem! I told her to get DSL for $5 more than she pays now. She asked, "How would that help, isn't the speed limited by your Modem?" Then I had to explain what an Ethernet card was....... I think you get the drift from there. And, yes she is under 40.

Unknown said...

Oh, and Kate you should get your porn from unless you want to see something other than naked women in which case you are out of luck. Oh, oh, oh, the humanity indeed! Plus it appears from the look of things that a big throbbing number of people pay for porn on the net. Why? You can get any and all flavors for free, in limited quantities anyway... But how much does one really need anyway?? It seems that there is a finite limit to the possibilities (orifices times protruberances times toys) and once one has seen those ten times or so do you really need 100 more poses to get off? If the conservative reader wants less porn on the net they should encourage people to simply stop paying for it. No money no porn.

Anonymous said...

I've got nothing against naked women, but I also like naked men, too. Go figure.