Saturday, September 02, 2006


just there by my toe
inside my shoe
a tiny rock

aged mineral lump
is this your last act
(to distract me)

once a mighty stone
formed in the crucible
beaten down by your creator
mother earth

just there by my side
in my bed
a partner

fully grown woman
is this your life's work
(to complete me)

once a tiny speck
formed in the womb
nurtured by your creator

just there facing out
at the door
my child

barely grown up
is this your destiny
(to leave me)

once a twinkle
formed in love
nurtured by your creators

we rejoice in your honor
one purpose fulfilled
with beauty and grace


Anonymous said...

Thoughts of beauty and substance, with due reverence for the Creative Being. I like it!

~~ :D

Anonymous said...

Always enjoy reading your poems!

Anonymous said...
